Maybe it’s the weather but it seems like all of the blogs I check out on a daily basis are at a standstill – mine included ;-) I have a few good excuses… I started summer school classes and I plan on taking more classes this fall…why? Well, I’d like to learn some serious graphic and web design skills so I can contribute more than just the concepts and a bunch of pencil sketches to our ’09 VooDoo print catalog and our new website. I’m really psyched on this new challenge. Another reason I’ve been slacking on the blog is because we’ve been crazy busy here at VooDoo! It’s awesome! Typically in the summer things start to slow down a bit - as most people head outdoors to play (Frank & I included), but this year we’re “getting busy” in our so called off season. Crash Pads are rocking; holds are flying out the door. I’m still working on sorting through the 1000+ climbing hold molds heading to our manufacturer this summer to increase our line – it’s been tough finding time to fit it all in but I’m getting oh so close. Did I mention Frank finally agreed to make dog beds for me??? We’ve had a surprisingly great response to the beds – I’m so happy, I just got a new VooDoo Royale in Aqua Velvet and a Dog bed to match ;-)
So many new things going on at VooDoo and lots of new opportunities to explore with great people – the future looks bright…
Some photos from the last week or so