
What a month….

Lots of climbing , friends, good food and random adventures. Where to start???
Last night the Orpheum theatre was packed full of climbers gathered to see a screening of the new flick King Lines, starring Chris Sharma. It was great! Had fun hanging with Susan & Jason sampling really good Belgian beers after the show.

September started out with the most entertaining slide show I have ever seen - Thanks Chris & Clay! I’m dying to get my hands on a copy of their super funny big wall training dvd. We hosted another Northern Arizona Climbers Coalition raffle at the slide show and raised $218. We’re on our way to replacing bolts & anchors at the Pit in Flagstaff & at Jack’s Canyon in Winslow. Progress!

Getting lots of bouldering in at the priest draw, cherry canyon, & my personal favorite Kelly Canyon. We even squeezed in a weekend of sport climbing & camping at Jack’s canyon - although we did spend one of the afternoons in our little trailer eating too much birthday cake, drinking IPAS & a yummy Cabernet - what else do you do when it’s raining?

Went to a hilarious potluck at Brian & Blanche’s house this month - the theme was trailer trash potluck - we brought a lovely macaroni & cheese dish in a bundt cake mold topped with sausages. I have never seen so much shiny food in one place in my entire life!

I brewed my first batch of beer this week, an all grain batch of a Belgian Saison ale. It’s a pretty time consuming process and a little stressful because you just don’t know if the final result will be tasty. But then again I did have an in house brew master with over 15 years of beer making under his belt guiding me through the process - Thanks Frank!

Been doing lots of work on VooDoo stuff. We came up with a couple of new crash pad designs we plan on testing this weekend. I’m pretty sure one of the pads will be a keeper and the dimensions make it so much easier to ship. Still trying to think of a name - any ideas?

NACC Raffle

Celebrating our Friend Gina N.'s B-Day

my macaroni & cheese masterpiece

my first batch of beer